
Classic Full kit to open double-bit locks


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This Classic kit is developed to help you open and decode different types of Double Bit Lever Locks (Doppia Mappa Italian ) (Doble Paleta Spanish ). Chiave Bulgara is another name for it. There is a myth about the Chiave Bulgara / Grimaldello Bulgaro or in English “Bulgarian Pick”. According to it, this method was used by Bulgarian spies in the times of the Cold War, to enter the houses of enemies. As a result and thanks to this lockpick solution, it was possible to duplicate the original key. In addition to this the lock is opened without having to force it or cause damage. The older, classic version of the Chiave Bulgara consists of two components – metal stick with “teeth” or “pins”, like we call them today. And the second component is the Tension tool. And this is exactly what this kit is

The principle of the entire system is DIY (Do It Yourself). The kits consist of Soft Keys (6 of them) which you build yourself with pins and spacers and nucleo (larger spacers). In other words it’s like a lego version of a locksmith tool. Additionally, the kit provides around 50 different schemes of common locks around Europe. The very best thing about this is that you can build locksmith tools according to your needs. The only requirement, of course, is to have knowledge about the insides of the lock you are about to work on. Additionally you will find inside different tension tools (different dimensions and shapes), pins (different dimensions) and spacers (different dimensions), and an empty storage box.

This entire opening process is very easy and it can be applied on almost every Double Bit Lever lock – you insert the appropriate Tension tool that puts the lock carriage (lock tongue) in tension. This is the same function as the key normally does when it is turned. After that, the stick with the pins and spacers is inserted (soft key). Also, this stick has the exact geometry and size of the original key. Moreover, those teeth (pins) have the possibility to move.

In brief, by slightly shaking both the Tension and the Soft Stick with pins, the vibrations move the pins of the soft key. This happens until it “assumes” the position corresponding to that of the “teeth” of the original key. In this way, the profile of half of the key is obtained. To obtain the other half, it is necessary to repeat the operation for the second half of the profile. At this point, you have a complete double-bit profile able to open and close the lock exactly like the original key.

There are many combinations you can make with this kit. It is the most effective locksmith tool for double bit locks. The principle is the same for every lock. See the chart with insights of the lock dimensions below!

This Professional Locksmith Kit is for Locksmiths that need to have a solution for every possible problem. One professional locksmith kit for professional locksmiths.



Grimaldello Bulgaro Classico – versione intera

In realtà esiste un vero e proprio kit classico “Grimaldello Bulgaro” composto da grimaldelli e chiavi autocodificanti perché ogni serratura a doppia mappa ha bisogno di un attrezzo particolare, a seconda della marca.

Il grimaldello bulgaro una volta inserito nella serratura assume progressivamente il profilo di dentatura della chiave, arrivando infine ad aprire la porta.

Il grimaldello universale “classico bulgaro” è composto di due parti, il tensore e la chiave morbida: infilando nella toppa il tensore e cercando di aprire si attiva la cosiddetta operazione di “palpeggio”grazie alla quale la chiave morbida si adatta progressivamente alla serratura, assumendola forma con la dentellatura specifica della serratura in questione.

Una volta ottenuta la chiave morbida così modificata, si inserisce in un’apposita macchina che ne fa una copia, riproducendo così una chiave uguale a quella originale che funziona perfettamente.

Additional information

Weight 2,500 kg

Easter Holidays

Orders made after the 30th of April will be completed after the 7th of May

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